
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Be Real

I'm BEYOND excited to be a writing contributor for this blog! I hope the ways God is working in my life that I share will encourage you all on your walk with Him.

'Being Real' sounds pretty easy, right? Well I honestly hadn't really thought much about how difficult this truly has been for me in my life until I was preparing a short message for a recent women's gathering at my church. I have been a person of honesty, integrity, etc. but I wasn't being completely 'real' with myself about some things God was presenting in my path and even worse, I wasn't being real with Him. Thankfully, the Lord helped me work through the process of getting real with myself and ultimately being real in my relationship with Him and following in the path He was leading.

When some people think of moving into a ministry position it might give them anxiety. I am not that person. I have always been drawn to leadership positions with not much hesitation. The Lord had called me into women's ministry and I jumped in with both feet. Little did I know, He had a BIG plan that I wasn't prepared for. I honestly couldn't have predicted that I would be dragging my feet in no time.

God was revealing to me some changes that were going to be made. Nothing completely unbelievable, but they were changes and many people don't like change. I don't really like confrontation or having to justify my thinking, so these changes were something I chose to sweep under the rug and forget about. But our God is SO faithful and determined! He didn't let me forget about what work I needed to do. I had to be real with myself and the journey ahead and then be real with God so He knew I was all in. I came across a quote from C.S. Lewis that helped me remember that I am here to do His work and give Him the glory! I'm not here for my own satisfaction. He wrote, "The question is not what we intended ourselves to be, but what He intended us to be what He made us."

I encourage anyone that might be dragging their feet to follow a path God has set before you, please take the time to pray, read God's word, seek godly counsel, and be real with yourself and the Lord. Be a willing body and take the first steps. Remember that we are here to do His work for His glory.

I am SO grateful for our unfailing God, for faithful, godly friends that encourage me constantly and for the ministries that I am involved in that bless the lives of other women! I look forward to being real with all of you over the course of my time contributing to this blog. I pray that each of you will find where you need to be real with yourselves in your daily life and even more so with your walk with God.

Father God, thank you Lord for being so faithful! Thank you for choosing me as a tool to carry through part of Your plan in my church family! I pray for each of the women that will view this blog Lord. May they find the hope, strength, courage and joy that You provide! May the words of those contributing be blessed and may they come from You! Lord as we have just begun a new year, please Lord help us to Be Real with ourselves and continue to set goals to become better women, sisters, mothers, wives, and/or children. Most of all, may we continue to grow closer to You!
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Jamie L.

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